
Hannah Betts


Hannah Betts is a competitive skydiver, instructor and stunt performer. She has worked as a stuntwomon since 2010. Before working in the stunt industry she worked as a police officer. It was skydiving that opened up the door to Hannah’s career in Hollywood as a stunt performer. She began her jumping career in the United Kingdom around 2003. She currently lives in California. As a competitive skydiver, Hannah Betts has won numerous awards. Betts’ 4-way formation skydiving team known as Bodyflight Storm won the Féderátion Aéronautique Internationale Women’s World Championships and twice won the British Championships. Hannah was also a member of the 181-way team that set the FAI Women’s World Record for Largest Formation Skydive. Hannah Betts also has a background in gymnastics and kickboxing and is a scuba diver.

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